As a licensed psychotherapist, with over 20 years of clinical experience, I offer a personalized, holistic approach to healing that draws from the modalities of Somatic Experiencing, Neuro-Affective Touch, Internal Somatic Parts Work (IFS), NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM), and mindfulness practices.
Treatment areas of expertise include PTSD, C-PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Relationship Challenges, Life Transitions, Self-Esteem/Self-Worth/Self-Love.
Many of my clients come to me after having spent some time in traditional, cognitive-based talk therapy. They know there is something deeper, within their body, that needs attention and healing. Symptoms might include unrelenting anxiety, chronic pain or tension patterns, numbness, dissociation, or other emotional, behavioral, or relational patterns that continue to show up in spite of the cognitive insights or behavioral shifts that have occurred with the help of past therapy.
Our bodies are the keepers of our experiences; therefore, it is imperative that we keep the the body in mind for deep healing, nervous system reset and post-traumatic growth.
The guiding tenets of my practice include authenticity, compassion, and the creation of a non-judgmental space where everyone is welcome.
Licensure and Certifications
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCS#25598, California Board of Behavioral Sciences
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Teaching Assistant, Consultation & Personal Session Provider for Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Year Students of Somatic Experiencing. Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, Boulder, Colorado
NeuroAffective Touch Practitioner, Teaching Assistant, and Personal Session Provider for students of NATouch. NeuroAffective Touch Training Institute, Los Angeles, California
NARM Therapist (NeuroAffective Relational Model), NARM Training Institute, Ukiah, California.
Master's in Social Work, Boston College, Boston, MA
Bachelor's of Science, Psychology, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
Clinical Work Experience
Licensed Psychotherapist in Private Practice - San Francisco Therapy Services, San Francisco (2012 - present)
Clinical Supervisor - Rape Trauma Services Center for Healing and Violence Prevention, Burlingame, CA
Clinical Supervisor, Clinical Social Worker and Adoption Specialist/Family Trainer- Family Builders, Oakland
Clinical Supervisor, Community Works West - One Family Program, San Francisco
Program Manager, Clinical Supervisor, Clinical Social Worker and Adoption Specialist/Family Trainer - Lilliput Children's Services, Napa
Clinical Social Worker, Families First, Oakland
Continuing Education Courses
NeuroAffective Relational Model - Advanced Clinical Training for Working with Complex Trauma - Dr. Lawrence Heller and Brad Kammer, LMFT.
Somatic Experiencing Master Class: Eye of the Needle, Working with Altered States, Near Death Experiences, and Medical Trauma - Dr. Peter A. Levine.
Somatic Resilience and Regulation: Using Touch-Based Methods for Supporting and Restoring Resilience and Self-Regulation when Developmental Trauma has Occurred - Kathy L. Kain and Stephen Terrell, PsyD, SEP.
NeuroAffective Touch, Renegotiating Developmental and Relational Trauma, Bridging Bodywork and Psychotherapy - Dr. Aline LaPierre.
Dynamic Attachment Repatterning for Individuals and Couples - Diane Poole Heller, Ph.D, Dr. Stan Tatkin, Terry Real, MFT, and Dr. Pat Love.
Treating Depression with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion - Elisha Goldstein, PhD.
Attachment and Trauma Mastery Training Program - Diane Poole Heller, PhD.
Musings from the Womb - Healing/Re-Patterning Our Earliest Imprints by Working Through Intergenerational Trauma and Pre/Perinatal/Birth Trauma - Ariel Giarretto, LMFT, SEP
Mindfulness and the Brain: A Professional Training in the Science and Practice of Meditative Awareness - Jack Kornfield and Daniel J. Siegel
The Art of Connection using the Hakomi Method- Hakomi Institute of California
Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality - American Association of Suicidology
Helping Those Who Hurt Themselves: Understanding and Treating Self-Injury - Professional Psych Seminars
Healing Shame: A Workshop for Therapists - Bret Lyon, Ph.D. and Sheila Rubin, LMFT
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy in Child and Adolescent Treatment - Pat Ogden, Ph.D. and Bonnie Mark-Goldstein, Ph.D.
Professional Affiliations
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists - State Member and San Francisco Chapter Professional Affiliate.
Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, Registered Member, Training Assistant and Approved Consultation (Beg. year only) and Session Provider for Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Year SE Students.
NeuroAffective Touch Institute, Registered Member and Training Assistant.
NARM Training Institute, Registered Member
United States Association for Body Psychotherapy, Clinical Member
On-going Consultation
As part of my practice and continual professional growth, I find tremendous value in consulting with other expert clinicians on a regular basis.