You are The One you’ve been waiting for.
— Richard Schwartz

One of my greatest passions is helping individuals whose lives have been impacted by childhood trauma. From the beginning of life, we are full human beings who are greatly affected by how we are cared for and treated. When childhood experiences are repeated lessons of pain, fear, neglect, shame, or distrust, our survival impulses are activated and survival strategies take root.  Body and mind are equally impacted; therefore, the healing must involve both.

Some common symptoms and patterns of adverse childhood experiences include: dissociation, emotional numbing, addiction, chronic anxiety, depression, pervasive shame, people pleasing at the expense of one’s self, co-dependency, insecure attachment, chronic physical tension or pain in the body, stomach aches and digestive issues, headaches, syndrome illnesses.

My training and practice as a therapist has been focused almost exclusively on healing childhood trauma. This work takes time, care, and attunement to mind and body. We all have the ability heal from past trauma, restore balance, and be who we were born to be.