Individual Psychotherapy

In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth, or to step backward into safety.
— Abraham Maslow

As humans, we are complex organisms seeking to thrive. Just as plants grow toward light and their roots toward water, we are wired to grow towards that which feeds us, be it physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The path toward growth may become blocked, however, as our past experiences and over-riding thoughts often get in the way of our deeper wisdom. I understand very well how trauma, fear, anxiety, shame, and thoughts such as, "I'm not good enough," or "something is wrong with me" keep us frozen or sheltered in old, self-protective patterns that no longer serve us. 

These old patterns may keep us "safe" but in a non-thriving place, creating internal struggle and keeping us disconnected from ourselves, others, and the world that holds us. This kind of disconnection manifests as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, chronic pain and various inabilities to function at full capacity. Such everyday suffering is unnecessary, and I can help you. 

I help my clients move beyond anxiety, fear, and pain so that moving forward into growth becomes an everyday reality. You have the capacity to thrive! The psychotherapy process is one in which you will have a confidential, safe environment where you can explore, without judgment, the areas of your life where you feel stuck. Together, we will work toward your goals, and you will receive practical tools to begin feeling better.