Safe and Sound Protocol - Feel Better, Think Better, Connect Better
The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is an effective, brief intervention designed to increase one's sense of safety in the world by working directly with the physiology of the autonomic nervous system. The SSP was developed by Dr. Stephen Porges based on 40 years of research investigating relationships between the autonomic nervous system and social-emotional processes.
The SSP improves neural regulation by sequentially exercising the auditory system with specially processed music.
The SSP works for children and adults, and has shown significant results in the following areas:
Behavioral state regulation (hypervigilance, anxiety, distractibility, impulsiveness, melt-downs, dissociative states, behavioral shut-down, hypoarousal)
Social engagement difficulties (oppositional behaviors, social withdrawal, affect limitations)
Vagal regulation (e.g. state regulation, digestion, sleep)
Sound sensitivities
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Individuals who have successfully completed this program have shown better focus in school/work, more productive outcomes in therapy, and a calmed emotional and physiological state.
This is a non-invasive intervention that can be used by itself, or to enhance continued therapeutic work. The SSP is most effective when it can be completed over the course of 10 consecutive days (30 minutes each day).
The SSP is facilitated remotely and will require over-the-ear headphones. All clients who work with me on a regular basis have access to the SSP. Individuals who are only interested in the SSP may also inquire about this service. The first step is to schedule an intake appointment.